Slovakia’s New Construction Act

The Government’s draft of the new Building Act has passed the parliament in an abbreviated legislative procedure and has already been signed by the president. The proclaimed goal of this new Building Act is to simplify and accelerate construction, as well as reduce the administrative burden in permitting procedures. The biggest innovations include abolishing the previous multi-stage decision-making, i.e. first a planning permit and then a building permit. Find out more in the article by Matej Škultéty.

For more details, click here.

Stavebny zakon

Our Chambers Global ranking is growing to include Corporate/M&A

We are proud to announce that in the latest Chambers Global Guide 2025, published by the esteemed legal directory Chambers and Partners, our law firm has maintained its Band 3 ranking in Dispute Resolution. Additionally, we have achieved a Band 4 ranking in Corporate/M&A, where our managing partner, Jaroslav Ružička, has held the highest individual ranking for an impressive 19 years.

For more details, click here.

Chamber Global 2025 ranking

Governance without complications: Handbook for small companies

Corporate governance, known as governance, is often seen as something that belongs to the world of large corporations. However, the truth is that even small and medium-sized enterprises can benefit significantly from effective management. And this without having to introduce unnecessary bureaucracy. The basic principles of governance can be implemented easily and are worth it for companies. Find out how, in another article by our ESG expert Naďa Roštek.

For more details, click here.

ESG: Governance

What does the G in ESG stand for? A modern approach to corporate governance.

Governance (G) is an often-overlooked pillar of ESG standards. While environmental (E) and social (S) aspects are generally known, responsible corporate governance remains unclear, especially for smaller companies. What exactly does governance mean, why is its implementation crucial for companies of all sizes, and how can you deal with it easily? Find out in another article by our ESG expert Naďa Roštek.

For more details, click here.

ESG: Governance

Merry Christmas and Successful New Year

Dear friends, we wish you pleasant, peaceful, and relaxing holidays filled with joy and cherished moments spent with your loved ones. As we welcome the year 2025, may the stars shine upon you, bringing light, hope, and success to guide and inspire you in all your endeavours ahead.

Supporting Children with Serious Illnesses

As the holidays approach, we are reminded of the children facing serious illnesses and the challenges their families experience during this time. They navigate numerous hardships and confront Christmas in a uniquely difficult way. It is our sincere wish to help ease their burdens, even if only a little. Therefore, we are continuing our support for the Charita Agape Civic Association's long-term efforts to assist these children and their families this year as well.

For more details, click here.


ESG questionnaires without stress

Every company will eventually face a request to provide ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) information. Today, an increasing number of entrepreneurs are prioritizing sustainability and social responsibility. Our partner, Naďa Roštek, offers practical tips on how to effectively complete ESG questionnaires and maintain a competitive edge.

For more details, click here.

ESG questionaires

3rd in Real Estate, 4th among local law firms

In the latest rankings of the 10 Largest Law Firms in Slovakia, compiled annually by The Slovak Spectator and the daily SME, we are proud to have achieved excellent results in several categories. Given the large number of firms evaluated, these rankings are particularly gratifying. We are especially pleased to have secured 3rd place in the Real Estate & Development category, which is a significant accomplishment. Additionally, we value our positions in the TOP 10 across other categories. In terms of the number of attorneys, we have been recognized as the 4th largest law firm in Slovakia. Furthermore, among local law firms, we have maintained our 4th position. Overall, we rank 7th among all law firms in Slovakia.

For more details, click here.

10 Largest 2024

Changes to the Public Procurement Law – Take Seven

This year the lawmakers decided to fiddle with the Public Procurement law again and adopted several amendments. As always, this was done under the motto of simplification. According to Ján Azud, our partner and public procurement law expert, the lawmakers deserve a lot of praise for some of the amendments adopted in 2024. Of course, there are others which are far from perfect. Find out more in the seventh take of the annual update on amendments to the public procurement rules in Slovakia.

For more details, click here.


8 tips on how to prepare an ESG Sustainability Report

Creating an ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Sustainability Report can be a complex and time-consuming task. To help simplify the process, you can find practical tips for effective ESG reporting in the article by Naďa Řoštek.

For more details, click here.


ESG in Practice: How to Integrate Sustainable Strategies into Your Business

With the amendment to the Accounting Act effective from June 1, 2024, EU Directive 2022/2464 introduces new obligations for companies regarding the disclosure of sustainability information, known as ESG—Environmental, Social, and Governance. A key requirement is for businesses to include individual sustainability disclosures as part of their annual reports in the form of a “Sustainability Report.” Starting in 2024, certain large companies are required to prepare these reports. Over the next few years, ESG and sustainability reporting will extend to almost every business. Naďa Řoštek's article outlines what the Sustainability Report should include and where to find ESG principles in everyday operations.

For more details, click here.

ESG v praxi

Stable high ranking in IFLR1000

We are pleased with the results of the most recent ranking of IFLR1000, as they have confirmed our office's leading position in the Slovak legal market. We stably maintain the highest ranking in Project development as well as high positions in other areas. Similarly, the personal rankings of our colleagues remain at their high levels.

For more details, click here.


ESG as a competitive advantage: Why it is important to act now

In the next 3 years, ESG (enviromental, social, governance) considerations will impact virtually every business and entrepreneur. It will be essential for companies to retain existing clients and will also create opportunities for attracting new ones, gaining investors, and enhancing their reputation. To understand why it's important to start focusing on ESG today and the benefits it can bring to your company, you can read the article by Naďa Řoštek.

For more details, click here.


We welcome new Equity Partners, Peter Ružička and Peter Bartoš

We are excited to announce that our team of equity partners has expanded with the addition of Peter Ružička and Peter Bartoš, who have accepted the offer to become equity partners after many years of dedicated service.

For more details, click here.

peter ruzicka peter bartos

Get ready for changes effective from July 1, 2024

The new law on consumer protection will bring several significant changes in relations with consumers effective from July 1, 2024. The changes will affect not only retailers.

For more details, click here.

Consumer protection

We supported the Ruky spoja ruky event again

The 12th annual benefit concert "Ruky spoja ruky" (Hands Join Hands) took place at the National Rehabilitation Center in Kováčová on April 24, 2023. The event was intended for physically disabled individuals from the facilities in Kováčová, as well as mentally and physically disabled children and adults. Our law firm supported the event again this year.

For more details, click here.


We are №1 in Public Procurement and Logistics and construction

The EPRAVO Group publishing house, in cooperation with the weekly TREND, announced the winners of the 12th Law Firm of the Year 2024 competition. Our law firm won the Public Procurement category for the twelfth time, having defended its first place in the previous eleven years. In addition, we also won in the Logistics and construction category.

For more details, click here.

Naďa Roštek, a new addition to our team!

As of 1 April, our colleague, Naďa Roštek, has expanded the ranks of our partners, returning to us after an eight-year "break" in the corporate and private sectors. She joins us as a senior partner in the areas of competition and compliance law. In addition, she will be a key contributor to the new, fast-growing Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) area.

For more details, click here.


The Legal 500´s Easter Surprise!

In this year´s ranking of the renowned The Legal 500, which was released just before the Easter holidays, our Law Firm once again received excellent ratings. When compared with recent years, we see an improving trend, which makes us even more pleased.

We received ranking in all practice areas rated on the Slovak legal market, which is an achievement in itself. We have traditionally defended our top Tier 1 position in Projects and energy and Real estate and construction. Our Partner, Ján Azud, also defended his Leading Individual position in Projects, and in addition, he received the same personal ranking also in Real Estate. Peter Bartoš, another of our Partners, was ranked among the Next Generation Partners for the first time this year.

We have a stable position in Tier 2 Dispute resolution. Similarly, in Commercial, corporate and M&A and also in Employment we remain in Tier 3. The rankings conclude with Banking, finance and capital markets in Tier 4. A number of our colleagues are ranked as Recommended Lawyers.

For more details, click here.


We have maintained a great ranking in Chambers Europe

We are pleased to announce that we have maintained an excellent ranking in the Chambers Europe 2024 guide. We have achieved outstanding positions in key areas of legal practice. According to Chambers and Partners, we are one of the top 5 law firms in Slovakia in the Real Estate category with a brilliant Band 2 ranking. We have also been placed in Band 3 for Dispute Resolution, Competition/Antitrust, and Restructuring/Insolvency. Our Corporate/M&A category has received a Band 4 ranking. Additionally, our managing partner, Jaroslav Ružička, has been awarded the highest personal ranking in Corporate/M&A for 18 consecutive years.

For more details, click here.


Excellent ranking in Dispute Resolution

In the current ranking of Chambers Global Guide 2024 by the renowned legal directory Chambers and Partners, our firm reached the Band 3 ranking in the practice area of Dispute Resolution. When we realize how extreme the competition is, especially in dispute resolution in Slovakia and consider that only 4 law firms, including ours, have been ranked for this area, we unequivocally rate this third place as a great success, which motivates us to further high-quality work.

For more details, click here.
